Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Our goal at Creeklife Coffee Co. is to roast the highest quality Honduran coffee beans and distribute them through the strength of a committed community. By taking a vertical approach and pursuing excellence in all we do, we’re positioned to make a global impact. We aim to equip people with a dynamic discipleship resource that brings light to an otherwise dark world.

  • Yes—almost! Creeklife Coffee Co. is in the process of becoming a standalone 501(c)(3) federally recognized charitable organization. In the meantime, you can make donations to support our initial funding through Springs of Life Camp (memo: Creeklife), which has been federally recognized since 1973.

  • Your donations, of any amount, are greatly appreciated and crucial to advancing the vision of Creeklife Coffee Co. Here’s how your support makes an impact:

    • Fully Fund the Blossom Creek Coffee Co-op: Your contributions help support a network of ministry-minded farmers in communities around Blossom Creek Farm.

    • Enhance our United States-Based Roasting and Distribution Operation: Our ministry's domestic roasting and distribution hub aim's to raise $45,000 by the end of 2024 to bring this vision to life.

    Proceeds from all coffee sales go toward:

    1. Funding our day-to-day operations.

    2. Supporting the growth and mobilization of Creeklife Coffee Co.’s ministry.

    3. Building the future Creeklife Coffee Foundation, which will provide financial assistance to families engaged in global mission work.

    Your support not only sustains our operations but also helps us expand our impact across the world.

  • Donations can be given through any CREEKLIFE COFFEE CO. venue, or mailed care of Springs of Life Camp (memo: CREEKLIFE) to P.O. Box 73, Patrick Springs, VA. 24133

  • Since 2017, Springs of Life Camp has harnessed the networking power of coffee to extend their restoration story into new and far-reaching places. Through God's provision, nearly $1,000,000 in restoration work has been completed at this summer Bible camp in Southwestern VA. Additionally, this initiative has equipped numerous other ministries with innovative discipleship tools to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    We are excited to introduce Creeklife Coffee Co. as a new intentional ministry network that unites the outreach efforts of Springs of Life Camp with Blossom Creek Coffee Farm. This partnership aims to connect people across the globe while funding kingdom work—from the ground all the way to the cup!

  • Your support of the Creeklife Coffee Co. gives you access to deeper relationship benefits in 3 ways:

    Access to Blossom Creek Farm in Santa Barbara, HND:

    - Pastoral Training Center

    - Organic Farming Origin Experiences

    - Community Development

    - International missions’ trips to underserved families throughout the country of Honduras for more!

    Access to innovative discipleship tools:

    - Advance your ministry’s Gospel centered mission through the power of coffee networking

    - Host CREEKLIFE COFFEE community events

    - Become a CREEKLIFE COFFEE Cupbearer or utilize your own platform to help us advance God’s Story through this exciting new ministry!

    Access to Springs of Life Camp in Patrick Springs, VA:

    - Bible Camping Ministries

    - Family Camps and Various Retreats

    - Conferences

    - Stateside missions’ trips to underserved families in Southwest VA

    Visit for more!

    More to come on each of these benefits soon!

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